We have finished constructing our new, modern stadiums and an outstanding transportation infrastructure. 我们已经完成了现代化新场馆的建设,建成了优良的运输基础设施。
Russia will closely work with China to take advantage of the meeting to promote economic integration, reforms and growth and building of transportation infrastructure. 俄方愿与中方保持密切沟通与协调,一道推动会议在推进区域经济一体化,促进经济改革与增长,加强全方位基础设施与互联互通建设等领域的优势。
China is a country with unique topographic and geomorphic conditions and complicated engineering geology, resulting in extremely complex technical problems in building transportation infrastructure. 中国的地形地貌特殊,工程地质极为复杂,交通基础设施无论是公路、铁路、机场、港口、航道都存在着极为复杂的技术问题。
The transportation infrastructure on the Northeast Corridor is in bad shape. 目前东北走廊的运输基础设施状况很糟糕。
The launch signals FedEx's confidence that Chinese transportation infrastructure has become reliable enough to support a high-speed delivery network. 这项业务的推出表明,联邦快递相信,中国的运输基础设施已足够可靠,可以支持高速度递送网络。
In the long run, we aim to further expand our service coverage into a full-fledged nationwide transportation infrastructure to serve both domestic and overseas clients. 长远来说,上海东陆物流会致力扩展全国性的运输网络以服务本地及海外的客户。
Would it be better for cities to alter their building and transportation infrastructure instead? 对城市来说,转而更改建筑和交通基础设施是不是更好呢?
Mechanism of product/ service of PPP projects for urban transportation infrastructure 城市交通基础设施PPP项目产品/服务价格形成机理
Japan's transportation infrastructure has also suffered, and cropland and aquaculture installations have been degraded or wiped out. 日本的交通基础设施也已受损,农田和水产养殖设施遭到破坏或者被彻底摧毁。
Transportation infrastructure, it seems, is flat-out failing to keep pace with economic activity. 交通基础设施严重落后于经济发展的速度。
Transportation infrastructure query system based on dynamic segmentation 基于动态分段技术的交通基础设施查询系统
Granger Causality Analysis on the Economy and Transportation Infrastructure Construction 基于Granger模型的交通投资建设与经济发展的关系研究
Some have characterized the United States'efforts to pull out of the recession or rebuild our energy and transportation infrastructure as being like medi cathedral-building efforts. 从具有共性来看,美国竭力地摆脱经济衰退或重建能源和运输基础设施正如中世纪大力修筑教堂一样。
We also ensure that we're investing in our transportation infrastructure with revenue raised from a price on greenhouse gas emissions. 法案也将确保对交通基础设施进行投资,其资金可通过对温室气体定价而筹措。
Research on Query System of Urban Transportation Infrastructure Based on GIS 基于GIS的城市交通基础设施查询系统研究
On the Role of Government in Transportation Infrastructure Construction 政府在交通基础设施建设中的作用研究
Quarantine and inspection are inadequate in China, and growth of the country's industrial and transportation infrastructure has assisted the spread of unwanted species. 在中国,由于检疫和检查机制尚不完善,加上国家工业和交通等基础设施建设的快速发展,使得一些有害物种快速扩散。
Analysis and Research of Interaction between Urban Transportation Infrastructure and Deep Foundation PIT Construction 城市交通基础设施与深基坑施工的相互作用分析与研究
And next Wednesday in Illinois, I'll sign a highway bill that will improve the safety of our roads, strengthen our transportation infrastructure and create good jobs. 而且下周三在伊利诺伊州,我将签署一个公路法案,改善道路安全,巩固运输基础设施,创造良好的就业机会。
Finally, this paper proposed advices on policy setting, industrial development, transportation infrastructure construction, regional cooperation and so on. 最后从政策制定、产业发展、交通设施建设、区域旅游合作等方面提出建议。
Railways and highways and other transportation infrastructure as compared to more difficult to mobilize funds enthusiasm. 铁路与公路等其他交通基础设施建设相比,较难调动资金的积极性。
With the rapid development of Chinese transportation infrastructure, many railways, highways and city subway tunnels have been built. 随着我国交通基础设施的飞速发展,大量的铁路、公路隧道以及城市地铁相继修建。
And my administration's careful budget reallocation targeting our transportation infrastructure Budgeting is the formulation of plans for a given future period in numerical terms. 我在职期间,针对交通基础设施的稳固的预算管理预算是用数字的形式来表示将来某一确定期间的计划。
Freight volume forecast acts as the precondition and base of planning and construction of dock, fleet and transportation infrastructure. 运量预测是进行码头、船队以及相关交通运输基础设施规划和建设的前提和基础。
Economic globalization is bringing about more demands for inter-modal transportation services and multi-modal transportation infrastructure. 经济全球化正在对多式联运的运输服务和多种方式的运输基础设施产生更多的需求。
Along with the rapid development of economic society and more traffic demand, global transportation infrastructure is unceasingly equipped, which has greatly enhanced the transport capability and promoted the development of social economy. 随着经济社会快速发展和交通需求增加,全球交通基础建设不断增强,大大提高了交通运输和社会经济发展水平。
Along with the national highway transportation infrastructure, transportation construction industry achieved very good opportunities for development. 随着国家对公路交通基础设施建设资金的大量投入,交通建设行业取得了很好的发展机遇。
As the comprehensive development of the implementation of economic strategy, the transportation infrastructure construction is widely developed. 随着我国全面发展经济战略的实施,交通基础设施建设正在全面展开。